General Info

Welcome to the AAUW’s Young Women Leaders


2023 Young Women Leaders Leadership Team. The Young Women Leaders Committee is a group of dedicated, inspiring high school and college women who are passionate about serving the young girls in our community by equipping them with key leadership skills.

Young Women Leaders are sponsored and mentored by the Morgan Hill branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW)


Every year, we host an annual conference open to rising high school students and older. Professionals of various fields present at workshops and as keynote speakers. Attendees gain valuable information about how to best advocate for themselves.

Our workshops include women’s health, leadership skills, career paths/goals, climate change, and so much more! Always feel free to reach out via email on topics that you might want to see in these workshops.

If interested to learn more click under the scrapbook and pick the events that interest you!


We participate in local events such as AAUW’s pannel events hosted at the Morgan Hill Library, Wildflower Run, sorting books, Earth Day, gift drives, and many more community events!


We are always looking for new members! Looking for young women from 8th-12th grade.

Fill out the form for recruitment and we would love to have you join!

Meetings are on the first Monday of each month at the Cultural Community Center

If any questions, please contact us here: